Transform Your Look: 6 Steps to Beginning Your Elegant Style Rebrand

Congratulations on taking a significant step towards achieving your elegant self! Transforming your style can be a challenging task, but with the right mindset and approach, it can be a highly rewarding experience. In this blog post, we will guide you through six practical steps to help you achieve your elegant style goals.

Step 1: Conduct a Wardrobe Audit

The first step towards achieving your elegant style is conducting a wardrobe audit. This process involves closely examining your wardrobe and identifying the items that align with your new elegance goals and those that do not. Start by removing all the clothes from your wardrobe and categorising them into piles. Create piles for clothes that fit well, those that need repair, and those that don't fit or don't align with your new style.

Step 2: Declutter

After you have categorised your clothes, it's time to declutter. Let go of clothes that no longer fit, those that are worn out, or those that don't match your new elegance goals. Donating these clothes to charity can be a great way to give back and make space for new elegant pieces.

Step 3: Plan Your Wardrobe

Now that you've decluttered, it's time to plan your wardrobe with a Style Plan. We will write a comprehensive blog about conducting your own Style Plan but for now, here are some basics. Start by assessing your lifestyle and determine what you need in terms of elegant pieces, basics, and accessories to get you through all your activities in style. This will help you create a cohesive and functional wardrobe that suits your life and new elegant self. Next, look for inspiration online, create a Pinterest board or save images on Instagram of photos of people wearing the style you want to achieve. It’s important to observe the details of their looks and take note of what you need to purchase and write it down in your Style Plan.

Step 4: Shop Online & In Person

When shopping, consider your new elegance goals and only purchase pieces that align with them. Don’t get caught up in impulse buying and stick to your Style Plan! Start by browsing online, in-person hunting can take up a lot of time and dishearten you in your search for the perfect pieces if you cannot find them. Utilise the search function on your preferred online store to look for specific styles that you are interested in, and make a note of them. If possible, head to the store to try on the styles you're interested in, but if you're comfortable buying online, make sure the store has a returns and refunds policy in case something doesn't fit or meet your expectations.

Step 5: Accessorise!

Accessories can make all the difference in transforming an outfit from average to elegant. Invest in a few high-quality accessories such as scarves, jewellery, and handbags to add that extra touch of elegance to your outfits.

Step 6: Make Existing Clothes Look Better

Don't forget about the clothes you already have! You can make your existing clothes look better by tailoring them to fit your body perfectly or by pairing them with elegant accessories. This step will help you make the most out of what you already have in your wardrobe.

Ladies if you have come this far, congratulations! Changing your style by conducting a complete style transformation can be time consuming but you will certainly reap the benefits of your efforts. The way we present ourselves has a direct impact on how we are perceived by others, and can greatly influence our opportunities for success. So, as you go through these steps to achieve your elegant style, stay committed and keep your goals in mind. And don't forget to have fun along the way! Experiment with different styles and accessories, and let your inner elegance and creativity shine.

We invite you to keep checking our blog for more guidance and inspiration as you continue on your elegance journey.


The Elegance Education


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